5 Simple Ideas For Adorable DIY Terrariums

For even the most botanically inept, terrariums are super easy to make and incredibly low-maintenance. They also make pretty much the best gifts or party favors ever.

21 Simple DIY Adorable Terrariums: Home decorating ideas DIY Home Decor Ideas #

Step 1. Choose an open or closed glass container of some sort.

Step 2. Cover the bottom with an inch-thick layer of pebbles or rocks to create a false drainage system for the plant roots.

Step 3. Add a thin layer of activated charcoal keeps the water fresh, and prevent mold and bacteria from building up.

Step 4. Add a layer of potting soil. They also make a special mix if you choose to use cacti and succulents instead of moss and ferns.

Step 5. Place plants in the terrarium, starting with the largest plant first.

Cactus Terrarium

Pendant Lamps

Hanging Terrarium

[caption id="attachment_358" align="alignnone" width="356"]Hanging Terrarium Hanging Terrarium[/caption]

Colored Sand Terrarium

[caption id="attachment_359" align="alignnone" width="625"]Colored Sand Terrarium Colored Sand Terrarium[/caption]


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